Fair play awards were presented to people who saved lives, to school children and to coaches Soukalová and Jílková for their lifelong achievements
Recalling her career, she highlighted the entire cross-country skiing team of the time. “There was no money involved, so nobody envied anyone. We still see each other today, it is very nice,” said Gabriela Soukalová. The Olympic bronze medalist in the relay from Sarajevo 1984 received the award celebrating her career from Šarka Strachová, chairwoman of the Czech Fair Play Club, and Jiří Kejval, chairman of the Czech Olympic Committee.
After she ended her active career, there was no place for her in cross-country skiing, so she turned to biathlon. Many successful future athletes passed through her hands, and she taught them the basics of skiing and sportsmanship in the best sense of the word. She also raised her younger daughter Gabriela to become a champion. “She praises me all the time,” she laughed.
The main prize of the Czech Fair Play Club for lifelong achievements was also awarded to athletics coach Jana Jílková. She has worked with a few athletes, such as Czech record holders in the 100 m hurdles Lucie Škrobáková and Iveta Rudová, sprinters, multi-event athlete Kateřina Nekolná and others. “I would like to thank all athletes I worked with. I wouldn't be here without them,” she said full emotion.
The award for lifelong promotion of fair play went to journalist Bohumil Ortman, who has covered sport and fair play as an integral part of sport for almost sixty years now. Ten diplomas for fair gestures of professional and young athletes and four awards for saving human life were also presented.